a wisdom circle for high-Capacity, BUSY MOTHERS
Are you thriving, honey?
Sure, there are a lot of good things happening in your life but does it also feel like your hair is on fire?
Tell me if this resonates…
You’re in charge of most things in your life and you kind of like the control…but it’s also EXHAUSTING and can make you resent the people you love the most.
You feel the squeeze of managing up and down everywhere in your life. You manage your children, your employees, your manager, and your relationships. Sometimes it feels like no matter how hard you try, there’s no way to win.
People would say you’re impressive and have it all together…but you feel a sense of disconnection inside.
The demands of motherhood, marriage and your career are constantly vying for your attention, leading you to never give any part of your life the attention it deserves…which feels terrible. Succeeding at mothering, partnering, and work is harder than you ever imaged.
You’re always trying to grow and be better. You love hard and try hard and care deeply about people…and so you end up turning yourself inside out trying to keep them happy.
You believe deeply in empowerment, mindfulness, spirituality and self-care…but you don’t DO IT until you hit a breaking point because it's really hard to prioritize yourself and admit you might need support.
Historically, you’ve never been a joiner but since becoming a mother there’s a real hunger in you to grow in community alongside other women who “get it.”
Here’s what I want you to know:
You don’t have to continually put out fires
You don’t have to turn yourself into someone else
You don’t have to fix other people’s problems
You don’t have to be perfect or “get it right”
You don’t have to keep doing things all by yourself
You don’t just have to “be more zen”
You don’t have to maintain the ridiculous, exhausting status-quo anymore
You don’t have to kill yourself trying to overcome resentment
And you don’t just have to focus on gratitude and repeat, “It’s fine…”
There is another way. You can come home, instead.
That’s what our work together is all about:
Your homecoming.
Homecoming is an intimate, 9-month group coaching program designed to help high-capacity mothers build courage, clarity and self-compassion within a circle of brilliant women committed to care.
In Homecoming you will learn to stop second-guessing yourself & overriding your needs and to start letting go of resentment so you can thrive in your life.
Your Homecoming is about…
Building unwavering power and bandwidth within yourself so you can ride the waves of life with more grace
Finding safety and love in a group of smart, loving and supportive women
Having a monthly place to set down all the things on your very full plate
Unhooking from the toxic personal and social expectations draining your energy and using up your life
Understanding, in your cells, that you deserve care and investment and JOY
Remembering who you are and what you love -- and prioritizing it
Allowing yourself to slow down and savor, without shame or guilt
Taking care of your body in ways that nourish you rather than deplete you
Cultivating authentic relationships at work and in your family that allow you to share more of yourself
Ending the overriding of what you truly feel and know
Learning how to get out of shame spirals and the burn of resentment (they don’t have to take over your life or derail you!)
In other words: this is about trusting yourself and the other mothers around you.
This is about being at the center of your own life instead of a bystander in it.
Welcome home.
There are few places our lives where we consciously focus on thriving together.
Homecoming is one of them.
Are you ready to join the 9-month group coaching program Homecoming? Do you want to learn more?
Imagine if you could:
Show up as a powerful, authentic leader at work and home. (Rather than just a workhorse.)
Manage with love and care without taking it all on.
Free yourself from perfectionism.
Say the truest thing in front of women who have your back, no matter what falls from your mouth.
Banish resentment from your partnership and your life.
Say YES to yourself.
Only shoulder what is yours to carry.
Allow yourself to join and whole-heartedly trust a circle of women.
Stop second-guessing yourself.
Give yourself the space you need to figure out what is real and true for you.
Whatever you want to change, whatever you want to experience or create for yourself…
It all starts with living at the center of your own life.
So nope, you don’t have to set it all on fire and walk away.
And you don’t have to pretend like the discomfort is not happening.
You can come home, instead.
Curriculum Preview
Month 1: Your Story Matters
- We start with sharing our story with each other as it's through the power of story that we build relationships, find belonging and solidify trust.
Month 2: The 4 Pillars of Self Care
- The nuts and bolts of taking exquisite care of yourself without guilt
- The imperative difference between self care and self maintenance
- Why self care is necessary to regulate your nervous system and eliminate what’s not working in your life
- How to use self care as a way to re-parent yourself
Month 3: Joy As an Organizing Principle
- Examine what keeps you from joy
- Challenge the stories put into your system without your permission regarding joy and pleasure
- How to spot “fake” joy and stop “faking joy” in our lives to keep others’ comfortable
Month 4: Dreams, Desires and Owning Our Values
- Examine where you currently are in your life and where you want to go
- Own your values to use them as a guiding light and source of inspiration
- Discern and learn to trust when your body says YES and NO
- Name intentions and your self care plan for the next 6, 9 and 12 months
Month 5: Meet Your Itty Bitty Shitty Committee
- Why you've come to constantly beat yourself up and how to stop it
- My 4 step process to calming a self doubt attack
- How to challenge your beliefs about your worthiness (hint: it’s not more self confidence!)
Month 6: Boundaries 101 + Building Your Brave Voice
- Learn the 6 types of boundaries and becoming aware of when to set a boundary, recognizing when a boundary has been crossed and upholding a boundary that has already been set
- Lay the groundwork for self trust and self loyalty
- Put an end to the habit of over-apologizing
- Critically examine culture that says women are to be compliant and gives no weight to a woman’s NO.
- Learn how to navigate pushback and support your nervous system when people interpret boundaries as an assault
Month 7: Fitting In Versus Belonging
- The difference between fitting in and belonging and the magic in letting go of who you believe you're “supposed to be”
- Practice saying the honest, scary thing to attract your right people
- Let yourself be truly known for the belonging you crave
Month 8: Cultivating Self-Compassion
- The 3 parts of every self-compassion practice
- Why self compassion is so hard to actually do, even when you totally “get it”
- How to get out of self-punishment, comparison and judgement and open the door to self-acceptance
Month 9: Integration and Looking Ahead
- Create your sustainable self care plan - solidifying practices, choosing the best tools for you and recommitting to your care.
- Dare to make what matters to you a priority (Remember, if it's important to you, it’s important!)
- Incorporate the 4 C’s of your continued healing journey: Care, Curiosity, Connection, Community
I’m a self-care and boundaries coach with 15 years experience supporting high-capacity women to find home in themselves.
Having a thriving motherhood experience and living free of people-pleasing is life changing, but it’s far from easy.
In fact, it’s counter to EVERYTHING women are taught to be and do.
Self doubt, self silencing and people-pleasing are nearly universal in women. In the society we’re born into, it is literally our job to try to be everything to everyone — but when we take on that thankless, endless labor, we end up exhausted. We end up resentful. We end up being the helpmates in someone else’s life instead of living at the center of our own. We end up disconnected from our wildly powerful selves.
Please know this: You are so much more than your desire to be liked, helpful and accomplished. You’re really good at playing within the system, however the system is not supporting you. Rather, it’s busy stealing your life.
No more.
Thriving is your birthright and this is your life.
Come home to it.
Testimonials on the circle
(It's what you're looking for!)
“This work is revolutionary and life-giving. This is the work that changes EVERYTHING.”
“When I need to feel heard, seen and supported I run to Jamie. I know that her ability to offer me a fresh perspective and a platform for grace will open me up to receive the exact thing I need in those moments.”
“Jamie not only creates a safe space for me to open up and share my truth, she understands my experiences and my process. She helps me get back to what’s important and lovingly guides me to a place of peace and acceptance. She’s a truly gifted, highly intuitive, beautiful soul.”
“I work with Jamie because I’ve never felt so seen and understood. No matter how much I doubt my own strength, no matter the heartache, no matter the questions I face, she always provides the space of healing at every step.”
“Jamie always intuitively points me toward my next ah-ha moment. She doesn’t judge me but supports me exactly where I am. She illuminates my blindspots and helps me navigate using self-care as a guiding light.”
“I’m a remarkably different person since Jamie and I started working together. I feel freer, more confident and no longer contort myself to be what other’s want of me. That’s a miracle!”
Homecoming is a 9-month group coaching program designed to get you out of the energy-drains, exhaustion, and second-guessing of yourself and into the life of choice, freedom and authentic community you hunger for.
It’s yours. Come home to it.
The Details:
There are 2 Homecoming circles. One on Saturdays and the other on Tuesdays. Circles starts the THIRD WEEK OF OCTOBER.
Tuesday’s circle meets via Zoom. Saturday’s circle meets *in-person* in Berkeley, CA. Each circle is 2 hours long.
Tuesday circles are from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm PST, and Saturday circles are from 9 am - 11 am PST. This gives us plenty of time for discussion, Q&A, personal reflection, insights, and on-the-spot coaching.
Tuesday circles meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. **Our first circle will be on Friday 10/18 and then the rest will be on Tuesdays. Meeting dates: 10/18 (Friday), 11/19, 12/17, 1/21, 2/11(second Tuesday of the month), 3/18, 4/15, 5/20, 6/17.
Saturday circles meet on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Meeting dates: 10/19, 11/16, 12/21, 1/18, 2/15, 3/15, 4/19, 5/17, 6/21.
Once a month, you’ll receive an audio lesson (with transcript, so you can follow along). Your lessons will include body practices, meditations and journaling prompts designed to help shift you from learning with your head to understanding within your body
Monthly, 30 minute reflection partner meetings to go deeper on the monthly topic.
Private WhatsApp group so you can share your wins, your learnings and offer/receive support
Total time commitment: 3 1/2 hours a month
Investment: $279/month
Homecoming is not yet another task for you to do. It’s not endless busy work or a circle with lots of heavy lifting. It’s not about performing perfectly.
It’s about you getting what you need to live at the center of your own life.
This is a unique group program where you will feel held, connected, supported, seen, loved and inspired.
This is about deep internal listening so you can tap into what you want and feel — because THAT is the source of your power.
This is about letting yourself receive profound support, accountability and encouragement.
This is about being among women who yearn to walk hand in hand together through this wild ride called life.
Who is Homecoming for?
Homecoming is for mothers, female entrepreneurs, coaches, artists, out-of-the-box thinkers, teachers, change-makers, women in transition, empty-nester women and/or any woman who has a big vision for herself that is not lining up with how she is currently living, whether that be at home, in her relationships, with her children or at work. Homecoming is for women eager to learn and grow in community.
Who is Homecoming not for?
Women in acute crisis in their lives. When in acute situations, it’s often best to receive 1:1 support from a therapist or coach.
How many people are in Homecoming? Why are the circles so small?
There are 7 spots in each Homecoming circle. This small number keeps the group intimate and private with plenty of time for everyone to share and receive coaching. I keep Homecoming small because the biggest growth, wildest insights and deepest connections happen in intimate settings where there is time and space for every participant to been seen, heard and lovingly supported.
What’s your definition of self care?
Self care is trusting ourselves and our bodies. It’s letting the brave, true thing fall from our mouths. It’s nourishing ourselves with what genuinely feels good rather than going off of “best practices”, shoulds-dos or have-tos. Self care is setting loving boundaries and remembering to fill our own cup too. It’s reconnecting with our essence and our joy. It’s embracing our quirks, our imperfections and our mistakes with a compassionate heart, knowing we’re doing the best we can at any moment.
Do you have a payment plan?
YES. Participants can pay $279/month for 9 months.
What if I don’t have a lot of time?
What I know about busy women is that when something matters to us, we find the time. And YOU, my dear, matter a lot. I also pre-record each lesson so they can fit into the edges of your life and take root without too much effort. You’ll be investing a total of 3 hours a month (which includes our montly coaching calls). Also, there really is no way for you to get behind and I promise there is no busy work. You’ll get all the benefits by simply showing up.