A Prayer for When Life Gets Messy

I am not solely my body, though it houses me.

I am not solely my health, though it sustains me.

I am not solely my soul, though it grounds me.

I am not solely my rebellion, though it frees me.

I am not solely my creativity, though it sparks me.

I am not solely my intellect, though it supports me.

I am not solely my fear, though it reminds me.

I am not solely my joy, though it lifts me.

I am them all, and more.

I am my body and my soul. My creativity and my intellect. My health and my rebellion, my fear and my joy.

I try to choose which I need, when, though they often choose ME first.

I am them all and to deny even one piece, to fight against me, is to deny the beautiful mess of myself. (Click to Tweet!)

It is within the mess that gems reside. From within my internal chaos that brilliance comes, distilled in the narrowed eye of the storm. Calm, serene, holding space while the rest of me whirls by.

It is always there. My core knowing. Settled, still, gracefully holding the many pieces of me.

I am it all. And with it all I courageously accept that I am exactly who I need to be.


