Are you in a denial spiral?

What is a denial spiral?

It’s when we continually justify our stress levels, saying things like, “It’s not that bad,” when really, we’re drowning. We all do this.  We deny our deeper feelings and turn them into status quo so we can continue to get shit done.  Because we are doers, fixers, big thinkers and have shit to do.   In looking at our to-do lists, denial of what gets in our way of "accomplishing" is a brilliant strategy.  Until it's not.

So how do you know your denial spiral is about to hit rock bottom?  

You find yourselves saying things like, "NO really, it's fine."  You mention to a friend that you feel stifled by your man or your boss or are feeling "fat" today then quickly brush it off with, "But you know, it's OK."  DENIAL.  It's not OK.  It is not OK to sweep your feelings under the rug because when you do, your feelings begin to seep out in very devious ways. You find yourself obsessing about exercise, worrying about not "getting it right", controlling your calories, constantly worrying about pissing someone off or devouring stale brownie bites while hiding in the back of the pantry.   You seek out methods of control as a way to buffer the draining denial that is seething under the surface.   

So what are we supposed to do about this?  

The end of any denial spiral begins with listening to your body.  Every time you say, "No really, it's fine" and your tummy does a mini-flip, know that she's telling you that no, really, everything is not fine.  When you commit to yet another thing that you don't truly want to do but think you should and suddenly you get a headache or neck tension or your low back gives out...LISTEN.  Once you being to listen, you become more aware of the denial spiral and can consciously decide if you want to go down that rabbit hole, or not.  

Biggest love,
