
Jamie holds a baby and looks at the camera.

Is it possible that the love we make and create in our homes is enough of a worldly contribution?

Is it really enough of a contribution that I spend our days feeding, burping, changing, and soothing? Certainly I could be doing more? Certainly I could find some way to prove my worth to society while stuck in this nursing chair?

And then I remember just how valuable my current work is. I am nourishing a child of the next generation with my body, heart and soul. I am loving her fully and completely so that she may grow to be one of the strong, loving, powerful women the state of our world desperately needs.

I am doing the work that has been (and that I have), for too long, judged, denigrated and taken for granted.

This is the work that lays the foundation for functional societies. This is the work that is needed right now, which makes it absolutely enough.

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