Never Say Never

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I never thought I could do this.

Round the clock feeding. Sleep deprivation. Aching back. Cracked nipples. Clothes that are now throw-up catchers. And the shit. Literal shit that somehow finds its way out of diapers and onto legs, hands, feet, and ears.

I never thought I could survive the constancy of her needs. Or be able to face crying and tears and wake-ups, night after night after night.

But here I am. Doing it. I'm doing something I NEVER thought I could do and that is thrilling.

It makes me think of all the other things over the years I've said I could never do:

I could never run a marathon, have a pet, write a book, buy a house on my own, go back to school.

Having a child gives you no choice. You don't get to say I could never. You just do it.

So what if we applied motherhood stick-to-it-tiveness to all our other “I could nevers”? What if we didn't give ourselves a choice, didn't let fear find an excuse, didn't question our strength or stamina and just did it?

Because what I do know is we all want more of the humbled awe and pride that comes when we surprise ourselves and rise to the occasion.


What if we didn’t give ourselves a choice, didn’t let fear find an excuse, didn’t question our strength or stamina and just did it?

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