Posts in Motherhood
A World of Extremes

So the question arises, is there life in the middle? And if so, what the hell does that look like? And yet because life is constantly changing, constantly in flux, throwing you from one end of the spectrum to the other, there is no living permanently in the soft middle. The middle is only a place we visit, an inner sanctum we’re continually called to come back to, to find our ground, our solace, our resilience and our relief.

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Questions for When You’re a Mom Who’s Lost

There are times as a mother when I literally forget who I am. Times when I get so sucked into the laundry list of life that I struggle to locate ME. When that happens I plop myself down and write. I ask and answer big questions and in the writing, I’m always brought back home to myself.

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Reckless and Wonderful

Yes, having children is reckless. As is starting a business, falling in love, taking on a new project, making time for art or speaking up when it’d be so easy to keep the peace. And yet it’s on the other side of reckless that we find the heart and growth that brings purpose, wisdom and deep satisfaction to our lives.

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When we praise a woman for being “small" we both offer our twisted belief that smaller is better and then shower ourselves with self judgment for not being small, or at least, not “small enough”. This example also works if we were to praise a woman for her being “tall” or “large”, believing that larger is better and then judging ourselves and others for not being “large enough”.

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Are you ready or willing?

This process or period of changing from one state or condition to another is so common that if you’re living here on planet earth (as an animal, vegetable and even mineral) you’ve certainly experienced some kind of transition.  Some transitions we’re eager for (first love, driver’s license, new home) and some, well, they find us. In fact, sometimes it feels like we’re being hunted by change with nowhere to hide.

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