Posts in Mindfulness/Spirituality
Why your best year may start with tears.

Accessing that humanity is no easy thing. For many of us, it takes a tremendous confluence of events and emotions to be shaken enough to cry. My invitation and challenge to you is, when the miracle hits and the tears finally come, care for yourself enough to let them flow. Let yourself feel all that comes up, knowing that no feeling lasts forever and on the other side of that emotional wave is clarity and action, just waiting for you.

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Reclaim Your Time

How many years have you lost just being so hard on yourself? It’s an interesting phenomenon. We tell ourselves that time flies, that it’s slipping through our fingers, that we must be as productive as possible to make every single minute count. And yet how much time do we continually lose to criticizing our bodies, denying our desires, questioning our true experience, and worrying what people think of us?

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A Simple and Powerful Ritual for Reconnection

Pause is imperative to creating the life we want. In fact, it is the foundation on which our dreams and actions are built as it’s only when we quiet that we can hear the wisdom within, the wisdom needed to powerfully guide us into the coming year. Here is a simple ritual that will help you both honor the year you’ve had and consciously connect to how you want to experience the year to come.

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Reckless and Wonderful

Yes, having children is reckless. As is starting a business, falling in love, taking on a new project, making time for art or speaking up when it’d be so easy to keep the peace. And yet it’s on the other side of reckless that we find the heart and growth that brings purpose, wisdom and deep satisfaction to our lives.

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12 mantras to help you stay positive

Now if you’re anything like me or my clients, your brain has an amazing ability to pull you out of the present moment and future trip on scary shit that may or may not happen. Your mind may also be particularly adept at telling you that your body is subpar, you’re not as good at your job as you think you are, you’re not thoughtful, generous or patient enough and oh, the uncomfortable shit that’s happening in your life right now, it’s only going to get worse.

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Real but not true

The conversation looks something like this: Life is going way too fast, there’s too much to do, we’re worried we don’t have enough time to get everything done and what we do do is not good enough. Pepper that with feelings of judgment, comparison and plain ole’ perfectionism and you’d nail what so many of us are experiencing on a daily basis.

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What if there is no "right way" to do things?

I’ve been noticing this idea of right order come up a lot lately with my clients. Some believe they have to be a certain weight before they accept their bodies, some espouse they can’t move forward in their good work before they have the right education, while others believe they can’t date before they feel 100% emotionally ready.

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What doesn't get done is as important as what does

Last week I gave a presentation to a group of 50 consultants on the topic of emotional resilience and how to stay connected to ourselves during chaos. We talked about our Itty Bitty Shitty Committees (the negative voices inside our head), how to find compassion for ourselves in the face of difficult feedback and giving voice to our struggles without either denying them or getting sucked into them. 

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Action without Expectation

We think that if we slow and let go of expectations, it’ll prove what we’ve secretly thought for years: 1) we’re lazy jerks and 2) we’re never going to get what we want. I can promise that neither are true but it certainly feels true when expectations aren’t being met and our natural inclination is to DOUBLE DOWN on efforts to make sh*t happen.

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