Posts in Self Care
I'm a Self Care Coach and I Always Use This Self Care Tip

As a self care coach, schedule buffering is one of my go to self care tips after a big presentation, after a work trip, after solo parenting, after a holiday party, and after any sort of transition. I make sure to enter slowly. I don't over commit. I leave LOTS of space for me to take it easy and move at a slower pace rather than slamming into the next thing after having just put so much out.

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A World of Extremes

So the question arises, is there life in the middle? And if so, what the hell does that look like? And yet because life is constantly changing, constantly in flux, throwing you from one end of the spectrum to the other, there is no living permanently in the soft middle. The middle is only a place we visit, an inner sanctum we’re continually called to come back to, to find our ground, our solace, our resilience and our relief.

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Reclaim Your Time

How many years have you lost just being so hard on yourself? It’s an interesting phenomenon. We tell ourselves that time flies, that it’s slipping through our fingers, that we must be as productive as possible to make every single minute count. And yet how much time do we continually lose to criticizing our bodies, denying our desires, questioning our true experience, and worrying what people think of us?

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Self Care Versus Soul Care

In this culture, we aren’t taught how to care for ourselves and so we’re left with the beauty-maintenance type of care that, though nice, only keeps us fed for a brief moment. That disconnect sent me looking more closely at care, to find something beyond self care that could access a purer level of nourishment that a pedicure ever could.

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