It's Time to Quit (+ Free Holiday Survival Planning PDF)

Now, I know the idea of quitting makes you a little queasy.⁠



Since we were children, we've been taught that quitting is a marker of weakness or poor character. Only losers and the undisciplined quit, right?!? 

And yet there are many painful outcomes to this inaccurate messaging. So often we:

  • Stay too long in situations that no longer serve us. 

  • Become severed from our knowing.

  • Make decisions based on fear, shoulds, and guilt.

  • Suffer under self-criticism.

  • Beat ourselves up for the tiniest misstep.

  • Think there's something wrong with us.

Woman being thoughtful in the forest.

If you're overwhelmed with life's demands and drowning in things you "should" be or do (especially as the holidays approach), I advise you QUIT.

QUIT erasing yourself for others' comfort.

QUIT letting the need to appease lead your decision making.

QUIT sacrificing yourself to uphold outdated traditions.

QUIT the self-criticism.

QUIT believing there is something wrong with you.

It's only when we finally quit the things that aren't working for us that we have the time and space to pursue the things that will.

Sending you so much love.

— Jamie




If there's one thing the holidays come with, it's expectations! What if this year you could swap out old expectations for authentic actions that made the holidays manageable, function, and even, yes, joyful? I've put together a holiday survival guide to help you do just that! It's free, it's helpful, and you can download it here.


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