Creativity + Motherhood

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Currently, I have a number of coaching clients that are both entrepreneurs and new(ish) moms and one topic that comes up over and over again is that of creativity. Or, to be more precise, the lack of it.

What I lovingly say to these driven, make-shit-happen, passionate women (and to myself) is this:

My dearest, please remember that your body recently made a HUMAN, which is the most creative it can and will ever be. The creation of life, birth and mothering have stretched you, mind, body, heart and soul, to the max. It is impractical and cruel to believe you should be back to your pre-baby way of creativity and productivity.

You can't go back to the way you were, for you are forever changed, and while you know you aren’t who you used to be, the newest version of you is still emerging.

Now is the time to nourish the well of creativity, not to hastefully tap it again.

You will once again feel creative and focused and eager for production and your readiness cannot be forced. You will know it’s time again when you feel it bubbling up in your body, oozing out your pores, exploding from your soul.

Your creativity won’t be a SHOULD but rather a joyous WANT.

And in the meantime, any work you do and accomplish in this sacred time of well-filling, nourishment and postpartum, is the icing on the cake. The cherry on top. The surprise piece of chocolate discovered at the bottom of your bag.

Please. Be gentle, nourish your newly emerging self and know that when it is time, creativity will bloom once more. Like every season, it always comes around again.


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